We are part of a network of South Minneapolis churches. Here are some things happening around our neighborhood in the coming weeks.
We are part of a network of South Minneapolis churches. Here are some things happening around our neighborhood in the coming weeks.
TRUST NEWS & EVENTS Cookbooks now available! Suggested donation $15, but pay what you want, or just take one. Online donations: put "community" in the notes. (All donations go into LNPC Ministry & Life Together, and cost of cookbooks comes from same). Pick your's up in the Gathering Room! A celebration of 100 years of Lake Nokomis Presbyterian Church! Resources for staying grounded in the way of God instead of swept up in the way of fear. Practicing Civic Discipleship VideoA recorded conversation to view any time. The polarization and confusion among Christians in this moment have left many unsure about how to pursue faithful engagement in public life. So what does it mean to follow Christ in the public square? How can we be formed to exhibit and embody Christian virtues in a way that reflects our primary citizenship in the kingdom of God? For Session held June 24, 7:00 PM, Register Here.
NOTES FROM LNPC LIFEA collection of ongoing updates, check-ins, and announcements Archives
September 2024
1620 E 46th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-721-4463 All content copyright Lake Nokomis Presbyterian Church |