LNPC Confirmation
Open to all, beginning as early as sixth grade, and including adults.
People progress both together and individually, through the topics and in the ways that make sense for them.
Confirmation Goals:
Confirmation Checklist:
-the Church -the bible -sin
-other religions -science -politics
-identity -the “end times” -death and the afterlife
- I have shared “three songs that say something”
People progress both together and individually, through the topics and in the ways that make sense for them.
Confirmation Goals:
- That you trust you are loved by God always, no matter what
- That you experience life within a church community that supports and loves you
- That you understand yourself as a minister (participant in God’s ministry/action in the world)
- That you wrestle with important ideas, engage doubts, and ask questions
- That you practice ways of being connected to God and others
- That you recognize faith as a lifelong journey with no earthly arrival
- That you learn to keep asking:
- Who is God and what is God up to?
- What is a good life and how do I/we live it?
- That you can articulate some of your beliefs, along with your current wondering and growing
- That you have a beginning sense of your own purpose and calling
- That you are able to search for meaning
- That you can think theologically, and have conversations about faith
Confirmation Checklist:
- To be confirmed at LNPC:
- I have been baptized
- I have read the whole bible (can be Action Bible, The Message or Walter Wangerin’s The Book of God)
- I have had a Mentor/Prayer Partner in the congregation
- I have studied The Apostle’s Creed
- I have studied The Lord’s Prayer
- I have attended camp or a silent retreat
- I have attended in a church retreat
- I have attended a sex & sexuality class or retreat
- I have attended a funeral
- I have volunteered in the community
- I have interviewed someone I respect about their faith
- I have identified three prayer practices I enjoy or connect with
- I have identified two scripture passages that are meaningful to me
- I have led some portion of worship service, designed a prayer station, or planned & led a church event
- I have done a How to Read the Bible class with LNPC
- I have had Faith Tenets & Big Questions Conversations about:
-the Church -the bible -sin
-other religions -science -politics
-identity -the “end times” -death and the afterlife
- I have done an Intro to Presbyterian Polity (in The Shape & Structure of Church class)
- I have learned about the Sacraments (baptism and communion) & the basics of Reformed Theology (The Shape & Structure of Church class)
- I have been on at least one confirmation retreat, including:
- I have shared “three songs that say something”
- I have experienced worship with a faith tradition other than LNPC
- I have created a Faith Statement
- I have come to session meeting for examination and shared my faith statement
- I have been confirmed in a worship service