
We all belong to God and we all belong to each other, all others,
no matter what.
Those who trust in Jesus are members together in the Body of Christ,
the Church.
We welcome to the table to share in the Eucharist all who long to trust in Christ Jesus and receive the gift of life.
"In Jesus Christ, God calls people to faith and to membership in the Church, the body of Christ. Baptism is the visible sign of that call and claim on a human life and of entrance into the membership of the church. The baptism of children witnesses to the truth that God’s love claims people before they are able to respond in faith. The baptism of those who enter the covenant of membership upon their own profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior witnesses to the truth that God’s gift of grace calls forth a response of faithfulness. Thus, the triune God, incarnate in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, gives to the Church not only its mission but also its understanding of membership." (PCUSA Book of Order, G-1.301)
Who is LNPC?
Some of us participate regularly and are part of LNPC community and ministry but are not "members." Others are "members" but do not participate regularly in ministry or community. Many of us are "members" who regularly share in worship, prayer, and ministry with this community. At LNPC we do not differentiate between "members" and "non-members" in our understanding of church or belonging: we are all the Church together, we all participate, we all belong to God and each other. Children, adults, long-time church folk and those brand new to faith - we are the Body of Christ together. We encounter Jesus Christ, God with us and for us, when we are with and for one another.
What Does it Mean to Be a Member?
Becoming a member is making a commitment to worship, minister, learn and grow alongside and within this community for this chapter in your life, being with and for these people, in this moment, and so encountering Christ. It means you help keep promises made upon others at their baptism, share your own and others' joy and sorrow, seek God together, and with one another follow the way of Christ. It means you allow this little community to represent, for this time and place, the whole Body of Christ in your life. Officially, membership also means your participation in God's ministry may be expressed in leadership as a ruling elder, and you may take part in congregational decision-making through voting.
How Do I Become a Member of LNPC?
no matter what.
Those who trust in Jesus are members together in the Body of Christ,
the Church.
We welcome to the table to share in the Eucharist all who long to trust in Christ Jesus and receive the gift of life.
"In Jesus Christ, God calls people to faith and to membership in the Church, the body of Christ. Baptism is the visible sign of that call and claim on a human life and of entrance into the membership of the church. The baptism of children witnesses to the truth that God’s love claims people before they are able to respond in faith. The baptism of those who enter the covenant of membership upon their own profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior witnesses to the truth that God’s gift of grace calls forth a response of faithfulness. Thus, the triune God, incarnate in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, gives to the Church not only its mission but also its understanding of membership." (PCUSA Book of Order, G-1.301)
Who is LNPC?
Some of us participate regularly and are part of LNPC community and ministry but are not "members." Others are "members" but do not participate regularly in ministry or community. Many of us are "members" who regularly share in worship, prayer, and ministry with this community. At LNPC we do not differentiate between "members" and "non-members" in our understanding of church or belonging: we are all the Church together, we all participate, we all belong to God and each other. Children, adults, long-time church folk and those brand new to faith - we are the Body of Christ together. We encounter Jesus Christ, God with us and for us, when we are with and for one another.
What Does it Mean to Be a Member?
Becoming a member is making a commitment to worship, minister, learn and grow alongside and within this community for this chapter in your life, being with and for these people, in this moment, and so encountering Christ. It means you help keep promises made upon others at their baptism, share your own and others' joy and sorrow, seek God together, and with one another follow the way of Christ. It means you allow this little community to represent, for this time and place, the whole Body of Christ in your life. Officially, membership also means your participation in God's ministry may be expressed in leadership as a ruling elder, and you may take part in congregational decision-making through voting.
How Do I Become a Member of LNPC?
- Meet with Pastor Kara. Share a bit of your own story and hear a bit of LNPC's story.
- Take part in a Polity/Theology/LNPC Story Class, at some point, when it is next offered (not necessarily before becoming a member). This is usually a 3-hour after-worship gathering with lunch, that introduces/refreshes understanding of Reformed Theology, Presbyterian Polity (structure), and the story of this congregation. It's a great way to connect with people- and lots of folks do this class more than once over the years.
- Meet with Session. Session and the new member come together to share faith stories, usually around a single question, (such as, What is your earliest memory of prayer? What did church mean to you growing up, what does it mean to you now? What's something you trust and something you wrestle with? When is a time you experienced God's presence?)
- Congregational Welcome. In a worship service, you answer the membership questions (profession of faith and commitment to live out faith with this community) and let us pray with you, and give you a welcome gift.
Official Definitions: In the PC(USA),
LNPC Definitions: reflecting more accurately how we are church together, in LNPC
- Active Members are those who've made a profession of faith, been baptized, and participate in the life of the congregation. Active Members may also serve in leadership (session, etc), and vote on congregational decisions.
- Participants are those who participate in the life and ministry of the congregation but are not Active Members and so have voice but not vote in congregational meetings, and may not serve as elders.
- Baptized Members are those baptized (in this or any congregation) but who have not yet professed faith. (This usually means children who haven't gone through confirmation). Baptized members participate in ministry but do not have vote in congregational decisions.
- Affiliate Members are members who are living elsewhere and participating in another congregation for a time.
LNPC Definitions: reflecting more accurately how we are church together, in LNPC
- "Faith Journeyers" are all those who participate in the life and ministry of LNPC, regardless of official PC(USA) designations.
- Dual Members are those whose membership commitment is to two congregations simultaneously.
Interested in learning more or becoming a member? Talk to Pastor Kara!