![]() What is a Sabbath Retreat?
Our Sabbath Retreats help us live in time differently by practicing together stepping out of clock-dominated time into God-oriented time. God created time when God created humanity. Just like our relationships with other people or the world around us, our relationship with time can be shaped by the Way of Fear or the Way of God. The Way of Fear treats time with urgency, competition and scarcity. We try to dominate time or live like a slave to time. We feel "behind" or "rushed" - always looking back or looking ahead. In the Way of God we befriend time. We are present in time, living within our limits, seeing time as a gift, and feeling time instead of racing through it. We let time be for living into love and experiencing our belonging to God and each other. Clock-time is ingrained in us, so the Way of fear comes easily. Obeying God's command to rest and practice Sabbath sets us free and helps us learn to live more deeply a good life with the time we've all been given. Come for whatever time works for you, from the whole weekend to part of the day Saturday. THIS IS OUR WORSHIP GATHERING ON THESE WEEKENDS. |
LOCATION Clearwater Forest Camp, Deerwood, MN SCHEDULE Retreats begin Fridays at 5:30 PM, and end Sundays at noon. ACCOMODATIONS We stay in Eagle's Nest Lodge (and the Carriage House, when needed). The lodge is accessible and offers private or shared rooms for individuals, and private rooms for families. Bathrooms are mostly shared for every two rooms. (Linens are provided). WHAT DO WE DO? Play, pray and rest! Retreats include lots of free time for crafts, woodsy walks, board game tournaments, campfire songs, naps, and other fun things that occur to us in the moment... this is about hanging out together (and alone), with God, in nature, no pressure, no rushing, play and rest. We structure our time around morning, midday and evening prayer, with wide swaths of free time. There's a loose "theme" for those who want to read something ahead and have optional conversation on the topic. Always there is carpooling available. SUGGESTED DONATIONS: Sabbath retreats are part of our ministry and life together. All are welcome to attend no matter what they contribute financially. Donations are suggested amounts. Donating more than the suggested donation helps sustain our ministry and life together, including future retreats. FULL RETREAT SUGGESTED AMOUNT: Adults - $160, Kids ages 6-11 - $80, Kids under 5 - Free Family - $400 ONE NIGHT SUGGESTED AMOUNT: Adults - $80, Kids ages 6-11 - $40, Kids under 5 - Free Family - $200 DAY RETREAT (includes lunch) SUGGESTED AMOUNT: Adults - $30, Kids ages 6-11 - $15, Kids under 5 - Free Family - $75 |