Financial Stewardship for 2025

The ongoing life and ministry of the congregation is upheld by our regular tithes and offerings. Every fall, we have the opportunity to pledge as a way of committing to the giving we’ve each discerned God is calling us to for the upcoming year. We call it “stewardship”, because we are all stewards of the ministry God is doing in and through LNPC.
If you give automatically online, it’s easy not to think about it and just let things roll onward. But stewardship time is our invitation to to stay attentive and intentional.
This time of year we are invited to
If you give automatically online, it’s easy not to think about it and just let things roll onward. But stewardship time is our invitation to to stay attentive and intentional.
This time of year we are invited to
- pause and pray, to bring to mind all that God has done in and through LNPC in 2024 and give thanks.
- to ask God what we are called to contribute to the life and ministry of LNPC in 2025.
- Turn in a pledge form (and make any online changes needed).
The financial life of LNPC
This congregation’s practices of worship, hospitality and sabbath, seeking live shaped by belonging to God and all others, is financially sustained by:
At different times and in different years, these percentages shift. There are times our building is being used by lots of groups, or we get a big gift from an outside group. There are times those assembled here now can give more. And there are times we are more upheld by those gone before. (At one point, for several years up to 30% of revenue was from our reserve fund – gifts of those gone before!)
No matter how it happens from year to hear, what’s consistent is this: The Church belongs to God, to share in God's ministry in the world. For over 100 years, God has guided, provided for, and moved through LNPC to minister love and hope into people's lives. We get to be part it right now.
This congregation’s practices of worship, hospitality and sabbath, seeking live shaped by belonging to God and all others, is financially sustained by:
- The Giving of those of us sharing faith and life here and now. (The past year approx. 70%)
- Donations from outside our community by those who are inspired, grateful, and want to support our ministry and help it continue (The past year approx. 8%)
- Donations by those who share space in our building and our mission of hospitality (The past year approx. 22%)
- The giving of those who’ve gone before us. They are no longer here with us in embodied form, but are nevertheless participating in the ongoing, current life of the congregation because they gave in faith for what God would do in the future. They invested then in what God is doing now. We ALL belong to each other! (The past year, 0%)
At different times and in different years, these percentages shift. There are times our building is being used by lots of groups, or we get a big gift from an outside group. There are times those assembled here now can give more. And there are times we are more upheld by those gone before. (At one point, for several years up to 30% of revenue was from our reserve fund – gifts of those gone before!)
No matter how it happens from year to hear, what’s consistent is this: The Church belongs to God, to share in God's ministry in the world. For over 100 years, God has guided, provided for, and moved through LNPC to minister love and hope into people's lives. We get to be part it right now.