WAFFLE WORSHIP - 5th Sundays
5th Sundays, 10:00 am - 12:30 pm.
All-ages learning, praying, and playing.*
Four times a year we gather all together to explore some aspect of our Christian faith and practice together,
to enjoy each other's company, and to eat delicious waffles.
Bring a topping to share!
Recent Waffle Worship themes:
April 2023 - What is Worship? How and why do we do it?
July 2023 - Listening, Sharing and Praying for each other
October 2023 - Paying Attention: Noticing and Receiving Experiences of Resonance
DECEMBER 2023 - Incarnation: God with us!
* (We don't have "Sunday school." Gathering four times a year with everyone for all-ages shared learning and connecting
is one way we pass on faith to each other, and practice what it means to be a Christian alongside one another.
It's also a great way to get to know each other more and enjoy one another's company!)
All-ages learning, praying, and playing.*
Four times a year we gather all together to explore some aspect of our Christian faith and practice together,
to enjoy each other's company, and to eat delicious waffles.
Bring a topping to share!
Recent Waffle Worship themes:
April 2023 - What is Worship? How and why do we do it?
July 2023 - Listening, Sharing and Praying for each other
October 2023 - Paying Attention: Noticing and Receiving Experiences of Resonance
DECEMBER 2023 - Incarnation: God with us!
* (We don't have "Sunday school." Gathering four times a year with everyone for all-ages shared learning and connecting
is one way we pass on faith to each other, and practice what it means to be a Christian alongside one another.
It's also a great way to get to know each other more and enjoy one another's company!)