This year is our year of the Old Testament. Next year we will move through the New Testament.
A timeline in Art Space - the hallway outside the sanctuary - will mark our progress and share our thoughts along the way.
The Old Testament tells of God’s shalom in the lives and stories of those gone before us, and these stories are part of our own lives and story with this same God who continues to minister to the world shalom and invite us to be sharers in shalom.
The Peace Table - Come get yours!
All household in the congregation will receive The Peace Table – a chronological collection of over 140 bible stories. Worship will move through stories directly out of this book. We will read 1-4 stories between each Sunday service as we progress through the book together.
After each story is a short section with discussion questions, wonderings, and tidbits for chatting or journaling at home.
For those who would enjoy a more narrative progression through the bible, by Walter Wangerin The Book of God is recommended for adults and The Bible for Children is great for kids 8-12. They are in our library, but you can pick up your own if you’d like to follow along all year at home.
The Action Bible is a good one for adults or reading kids. There are two in our library, or pick up your own to follow along all year at home.
Bible lesson book: For a framing of bible stories with distinct take-aways for today, especially for kids 8-12, Growing in God’s Love (written by two former colleagues of Pastor Kara- excellent Presbyterian educators!) is in our church library. Also a good resource to have at home for families with younger kids. |
Option to pitch in: The Peace Table costs $29. Extra offerings to the “Life and Ministry of LNPC” fund help cover the cost of providing this to every household, but are not required.