Help put food in backpacks at Hiawatha Academy for kids to bring home for weekends.
We team up with Trinity Lutheran at the Falls. SHIFTS ARE ON THURSDAYS.
We need 5 volunteers each time to work at their Northrop elementary school (1611 E 46th St.).This fall we have added another position for 3 volunteers at their College Prep Academy (4640 17th Ave So.) which is next door to the Elementary School. Find out more and Volunteer Here!
We team up with Trinity Lutheran at the Falls. SHIFTS ARE ON THURSDAYS.
We need 5 volunteers each time to work at their Northrop elementary school (1611 E 46th St.).This fall we have added another position for 3 volunteers at their College Prep Academy (4640 17th Ave So.) which is next door to the Elementary School. Find out more and Volunteer Here!