Our first Sunday with the stories will be Rally Sunday, Setember 15!
(Donations to help cover The Peace Table for all are welcomed to LNPC Life and Ministry Together)
Every household in the congregation will receive our copies of The Peace Table the week of September 1, as we begin our journey this year through the Old Testament. Watch for the impending newsletter article about ways to deepen your reading journey or follow along in the Bible as we go.
Our first Sunday with the stories will be Rally Sunday, Setember 15! (Donations to help cover The Peace Table for all are welcomed to LNPC Life and Ministry Together) We are part of a network of South Minneapolis churches. Here are some things happening around our neighborhood in the coming weeks.
TRUST NEWS & EVENTS Cookbooks now available! Suggested donation $15, but pay what you want, or just take one. Online donations: put "community" in the notes. (All donations go into LNPC Ministry & Life Together, and cost of cookbooks comes from same). Pick your's up in the Gathering Room! A celebration of 100 years of Lake Nokomis Presbyterian Church! STAR WORDS! Find out more about star words here. The magi pictured here gave us our star words on January 7. 2024 Star Words Amy L - welcoming Soren L - guidance Svea L - release Sigrid L - relationship Jim B - festivity Kaitlyn B - faith Evan B - journey Kara R - help Maisy R - repair Owen R - firmness Andy R - open Erin D - future Edie D - honesty Ellis D - listening Jason D - mystery Butch G - wonder Sue G - gladness Kristen J - forgiveness Bruce J - fellowship Anna - fun Nathan - newness Billy - freedom Jim K - heart Gary J - discipline Sheila K - eagerness Lisa L - memory Rachel F - focus Lisa J - song Wendy FM - renewal Erik FM - growing Coraline M - rest David M - rightness Joyce T - devotion Dick G- feeling Kelly S - restraint Linda D - promise Georgia M - fulfillment Barb B - gospel Renee B - venture Avery B - change Brennan B - path-finding Laura - worth Pat K - mercy Cassidy W - time Emma - ease Emily - bliss Kathy B - refresh Charlotte D - family Larry D - exuberance Barb D - serenity Lee S - invitation Andrea D - flexibility Helen T - abundance Ian T - happiness Mike F - passion Catie DS - goodness Terry G - readiness Sue H - witness Diane H - restore Scott H - reassurance Sherri H - devotion Grand D - waiting Brian R - seeking Ava R - zeal Jonathan D - confession Brittany D - gift Laurel D - liminal Rowan D – caring Pat F – glory Larry F - provision Bill W - play Erica W - music Imogen W - create Callie V - grace Michelle V - competence Vincent V - bless Tucker V - dare Oliver V - awake Nic V - amazement Ethan V - surrender Minnie V - together Kate T - concentration Mackenzie T – content Rachel S - attend Rachet M - speech Chris M - fullness Jen M - complete Robert M - imagination Andrew M - harmony Linda L -notice Theresa L -awakening Eleanor L - tender Kathy TJ - gentle Alan I - sustain Aleta I – testify Rosalie T – delight Anne C – giving Dave C – alive Lewis C – gentleness Ceci C – longing Kay H – awe Verlyn H – gentle (let Pastor Kara know if you would like a star word!) Sunday, June 30 9 am pancake feast (full breakfast) 10 am worship (bring a chair) 2149 Edgcumbe Rd, St Paul While some LNPC and Edgcumbe folks are in Berlin together,
the rest of us will be sharing worship in Edgcumbe's beautiful back woods, and starting off the day together with pancakes! Bring a chair, and come enjoy fellowship and outdoor summer worship. The LNPC cookbook components are being produced!
We will have a cookbook assembly party at our next Coffee and Donuts Tuesday, July 23, at 10:30 am Fun for adults and kids! Join us! Cookbooks will be available end of July by optional donation of $7-12! CLEARWATER FOREST CAMP offers camp options all summer long from day camps to sailing camps, and camp opportunities for all ages. See Brochure Here Particularly we want to highlight these THREE NIGHT OPTIONS June 30-July 3: Grands Camp and First Timer's Camp
LNPC Registered: Edie for first-timers!SILENCE AND RETREATING are an important part of our life together at LNPC. And two of our favorite places and one of our favorite people were on the news talking about it! GO HERE FOR THE STORY! This Saturday, 10-2, lunch provided. Landscaping help needed at Amy Leafblad's house. "There has also recently been a toilet leak with damage into drywall in garage. If you have experience that may come in handy with that and are willing to take a look, please let me know (or (913) 951-9767)." RSVPs welcome but not required! Call for address or see it in the church directory! We're looking forward to:
We're Pausing:
Back to School Blessing & Rally Sunday Picnic, September 15 |
NOTES FROM LNPC LIFEA collection of ongoing updates, check-ins, and announcements Archives
January 2025
1620 E 46th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-721-4463 All content copyright Lake Nokomis Presbyterian Church |